Companion EPA Methods 325A (sampler deployment and collection) and 325B (sampler preparation and laboratory analysis) are the work practice standards for determining airborne Benzene and select Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using passive (diffusive) sampling tubes collected at facility property boundaries (fenceline monitoring) as well as from fugitive and area emission sources.
Enthalpy has been on the leading edge of EPA Method 325A/B, assisting the EPA in development and validation well in advance of the December 1, 2015 method publication. Since 2012, Enthalpy Analytical laboratories have analyzed well over 150,000 samples by Thermal Desorption – Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry (TD-GC/MS). In January 2018, the EPA began requiring all major source petroleum refineries to monitor fugitive benzene emissions and with that came new compliance requirements and reporting schedules. We understand the challenges our customers face with the robust data management of a fenceline program and have our own software to streamline the process for our customers.
Our electronic field sampling and data management application is designed to increase the efficiency of field activities and eliminate human errors. For a successful fenceline program we feel it’s critical for our customers to have a secure, web-based platform that is an intuitive and powerful data management solution.
Here’s how good data management software helps you:
Desktop & Mobile Compatibility
Review and download monitoring event and weather data, and display reports on a desktop computer. Utilizing a mobile application, a facility/contractor provided Class I Div. 2 rated handheld computer has the ability to capture and store sampling locations, tube numbers, and start/stop times and dates.
Create and Track Sampling Routes
Precisely tag sampling locations using GPS coordinates, assign shelter names, and create custom sampling routes.
Verification of Sample Collection
Built-in route checking ensures all deployed samples are retrieved and timestamped using barcodes for automated chain of custody generation. Data is uploaded to a secure database on a cloud-based server and will allow the user to print a hard-copy field Chain of Custody to be submitted to the laboratory with the samples.
Laboratory Data Retrieval
Users received automated notifications of completed sampling events, results uploads, and high monitor readings allowing facility admin to remain constantly informed and up to date with the program’s status.
Data Evaluation Tools
Access and generate custom reports including: tabulated data, summary reports, bar and bump charts, monitoring location trends, and Google Maps overview of results and wind roses. Period specific and rolling annual average ΔC tracking can be constantly monitored.
CEDRI Format Integration
This new application support feature includes results formatted for easy electronic submission of Fenceline monitoring reports through the EPA’s Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting (CEDRI) required under rule §63.655(h)(8).
How Enthalpy Can Help
We are the lab partner that has the expertise, technologies, and processes to simplify your fenceline program. We work with our clients to develop a detailed testing and reporting plan for a highly efficient Fenceline program that will minimize risk and keep you compliant. For more information, please contact us here.