Fugitive Emissions Testing Service
Trained staff with facility and process knowledge helps aid in the identification and quantification of fugitive emissions and leak detection and repair (LDAR). Fugitive emissions projects often require ongoing fence line monitoring to ensure the reduction of risk to the environment and facility.
The term “fugitive emissions” refers to the release of potentially dangerous gases into the atmosphere at industrial facilities through process equipment leaks. Most equipment leaks occur at valves, flanges, seals, sample connections, and fittings. Beyond the human health and safety risks associated with fugitive emissions, they also pose a pollution risk to the environment as well as a financial/product loss for the facility.
There are many screening tools used to detect and locate fugitive emissions. When accurate identification and quantification are required, however, laboratory support is needed. Enthalpy has assisted with fugitive emissions monitoring and leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs for more than 20 years. We understand facility processes via stationary source emissions and ambient air monitoring experience. Working knowledge of how these two practices are similar, but also different, is a valuable perspective that Enthalpy can bring to your next program.
Often, fugitive emissions projects require ongoing fence line monitoring to ensure LDAR programs are reducing environmental and facility risk. Whether fugitive emissions identification, quantification, or ambient air monitoring is required, we can provide analytical support and our industrial valve testing service for even the most challenging projects.
EPA Test Method TO-14-A
Our scientists, leaders in the field, have been analyzing EPA Method TO-14A canister samples for Ozone Precursor/Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station (PAMS) VOC since 1997. Enthalpy has the ability to screen and analyze for more than 50 compounds, including aromatics and C2-C12 hydrocarbons. TO-14A is a robust sampling and analytical method commonly used in petroleum refinery and petrochemical manufacturing applications.
TO-14A samples are collected in leak-free stainless-steel canisters and analyzed by high-resolution gas chromatography utilizing Flame Ionization Detection (GC/FID). With dedicated laboratory space and a large inventory of sampling canisters, our modern facility allows us to handle a wide range of samples. From percentage to part per trillion (ppt) levels, we have the experience and know-how to handle any sampling scenario.
Enthalpy can prepare, evacuate, and ship canisters for TO-14A sampling on short notice – no project is too big or too small – and, with nearly 20 years of experience analyzing TO-14A samples, our dedicated project managers and staff have you covered.
EPA Test Method TO-15
We have been analyzing ambient level canisters by EPA Method TO-15 – for more than 70 VOCs for approximately 20 years. Designed as an ambient test method, TO-15 is used for Ambient Air Monitoring, Vapor Intrusion (VI) investigations and soil gas projects. TO-15 samples are collected in leak-free stainless-steel canisters and analyzed by gas chromatography utilizing a mass spectrometer (GC/MS).
GC/MS has the unique ability to identify unknown compounds, which has proved to be a useful addition to the stationary source emissions tester’s repertoire. Our dedicated laboratory space ensures that we can analyze samples from ppb to ppt levels. If you’re looking for more than just the TO-15 compounds, samples may be scanned against our NIST library consisting of more than 240,000 compounds which allow for the identification of unknown compounds.
We have a large inventory of stainless steel canisters and a wide range of controller configurations that permit us to support a variety of air programs. With in-house ambient air, VI, soil gas, and stationary source emissions experts, Enthalpy is uniquely positioned to provide your project with experienced GC/MS scientists who understand air testing and analysis.
EPA Test Method 325B
Developed for the Petroleum Refinery Residual Risk and New Source Performance Standard (NSPS), EPA Method 325B is designed to monitor Benzene and select VOCs around refinery fence lines by utilizing passive sampling tubes. These tubes are simply hung and exposed to the environment for a period of time before being sent to the laboratory for analysis by Thermal Desorption – Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry (TD-GC/MS).
The Enthalpy Analytical team has been analyzing Method 325B samples for Benzene monitoring since 2013, and we have participated in numerous round-robin studies. We were there from the beginning and have assisted the EPA with the development and validation of Method 325B. Because of our unique involvement with this method, we are on the cutting-edge of this technology and are still working tirelessly to refine our best-in-class analytical approach and data delivery for Method 325B.
Not sure where to start? Let us help you design and execute your fence line monitoring program. Contact us today for assistance implementing your new ambient program or modifying your existing one and we’ll put our experience to work drafting your quality assurance procedure and training for your personnel. With Enthalpy on your team, your program starts with a solid foundation and understanding of EPA Method 325B.
Work with experts who deliver reliable laboratory data and insights.
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