Fenceline Monitoring

As industrial facilities face increasing regulatory pressures which includes more rigorous data collection, maintaining air quality at the perimeter of your site has never been more important. Meeting environmental standards and avoiding costly penalties requires more than just routine checks—it demands precise, continuous fenceline monitoring to track air pollutants and ensure full compliance with state and federal regulations.

Regulatory Demands Are Increasing—Is Your Facility Ready?

Federal and state agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), enforce stringent guidelines for fenceline monitoring to ensure industrial sites effectively manage their emissions. For example, the Petroleum Refinery Sector Rule utilizes EPA Method 325A/B for continuous benzene monitoring at the perimete of all U.S. Oil refineries.

Additionally, the latest HON MACT (Hazardous Organic NESHAP Maximum Achievable Control Technology) regulations introduce stricter emission limits and enhanced fenceline monitoring requirements for petrochemical facilities. These updates mandate more rigorous data collection, including EPA Method 327 for ethylene oxide and/or vinyl chloride as well as EPA Method 325A/B for benzene, 1,3 butadiene, and ethylene dichloride

Why Choose Enthalpy Analytical for Fenceline Monitoring?

At Enthalpy Analytical, our mission is to empower people with reliable laboratory data and insights that support informed decisions contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. Our fenceline monitoring services provide businesses with the clarity and confidence needed to meet regulatory obligations while protecting public health.

Enthalpy Analytical has extensive experience with EPA Method 325, helping facilities effectively monitor benzene emissions at the fenceline. Additionally, our Deer Park laboratory was the first to earn accreditation for EPA Method 327, demonstrating our leadership in air monitoring and regulatory compliance.

Advanced VOC & Benzene Detection

Our laboratories specialize in precise, defensible measurement of VOCs, including benzene and other hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). With cutting-edge analytical methods such as EPA Method 325A/B and Method 327, our compliance-ready fenceline monitoring solutions help businesses meet air quality regulations.

Customized Monitoring Solutions for Industrial Sites

Every industrial facility has unique air monitoring needs. Enthalpy Analytical, along with partnering firms, provides tailored fenceline monitoring plans, integrating passive sampling and high-accuracy laboratory analyses. Our customized solutions ensure facilities can monitor their emissions effectively while aligning with specific regulatory and operational requirements.

Stay ahead of regulatory changes, ensure compliance with HON MACT, EPA Method 325, and EPA Method 327, and take a proactive approach to air quality management with Enthalpy Analytical.

Tell us about your fenceline monitoring. We’ll be in touch within 24 hours.