Stationary Source Testing


NELAP accredited for a full range of EPA and stationary source testing with in-lab support services. Enthalpy provides analytical support for over 2,000 stack tests annually. We provide robust solutions for unique and challenging test programs by addressing laboratory, stack tester and source challenges.

Experience is what matters when dealing with the varied and challenging gas-matrices of stationary sources. With over 25 years of experience source emissions testing, our scientists and project managers are able to provide robust analytical solutions for the most challenging projects. With over 25 years of experience in source evaluation support, our scientists and project management personnel are able to provide consultative support service, in addition to project management of your sample delivery group.

Our company routinely assists the state and federal regulatory bodies in the refinement of existing test methods and development of new test methods. Enthalpy’s experience with method development includes: EPA Other Test Method 29 (OTM-29) Sampling and Analysis for Hydrogen Cyanide Emissions from Stationary Sources and EPA Alternative Test Method 100 (ALT-100) Canister Sampling with Method 18 for Flares.

Unique and challenging test programs are jointly addressed with the laboratory, stack tester, and end-user in order to develop source and analyte-specific sampling and analytical procedures that will hold up to regulatory scrutiny.

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EPA Test Methods – Particulate

Enthalpy has decades of experience with EPA particulate methods and performs more than 10,000 unique gravimetric measurements annually. From PM2.5 to non-sulfate particulate matter and everything in between, our researchers utilize evaporation chambers and desiccators during testing, and they have with the ability to obtain gravimetric weights as low as 0.00001 grams on a 6-place balance.

We can provide uniquely labeled and packaged tare-weighed filters with just a single-business day notice for all methods. Each of our gravimetric balances are calibrated daily with the use of NIST traceable challenge weights to ensure quality and consistency across all projects. We have a broad understanding of today’s modern regulatory environment and the challenges of low-level particulate measurements. – any lab that claims these methods are simple, doesn’t know how much they don’t know.

EPA Methods:

  • 5
  • 5A
  • 5B
  • 5E
  • 5F
  • 17
  • 24
  • 201A
  • 202
  • NJATM-1

EPA Test Methods – Organics

Enthalpy is the industry leader for analyzing samples using EPA volatile organic compound (VOC) test methods. We have been at the forefront of providing analytical solutions for challenging test-programs from our flagship service of EPA Method 18 design and analysis.

VOC testing is complicated – concentration, temperature, moisture, and pressure all affect how VOCs behave in a stack. These four pieces of information are critical to media selection, whether Tedlar bags, adsorbent tubes or Summa canisters.

Enthalpy has trained analysts who understand equipment operation in the lab and field. Equipped with the latest Gas Chromatographs (GC) compound grouping specific detectors, there are very few VOCs for which we cannot test. Allow us to guide you to the best testing scenario for your situation and utilize experience gained from thousands of in-lab jobs.

EPA Methods:

  • TO-15 (source)
  • 16
  • 18
  • 25D
  • 106
  • 204F
  • 305
  • 308
  • 311
  • 316
  • 318
  • 323
  • CTM-008
  • OTM-11
  • ALT-100

EPA Test Methods – Inorganics

At Enthalpy, our HPLC, Ion Chromatography, and Trace Metals teams are dedicated specialists when it comes to EPA inorganic methods. With impressive method detection limits below the industry average, we take pride in our contribution to regulatory compliance tests across the nation. Our skilled experts have been instrumental in refining key methods, working closely with the EPA to drive ongoing improvements. Trust us to deliver professional and reliable results every time.
Enthalpy is the premier choice for your inorganic testing needs, boasting cutting-edge laboratory instrumentation designed for most US EPA methods, along with our talented team of analysts who can bring HPLCs to the field for real-time measurements. Trust Enthalpy for unparalleled precision and reliability in your next inorganic test program.
EPA Methods:
  • 6, 8, 12, 26, 26A, 29
  • 306, 3050, 3052,
  • 6010, 6020
  • 7470, 7471
  • CTM-013, CTM-13A, CTM-027, CTM-031, CTM-036
  • IO-3.1, IO-3.5
  • OTM-14, OTM-29
  • 101 A
NIOSH Methods:
  • NIOSH 6009
  • NOISH 7303
  • NIOSH 2000
  • NIOSH 2010
  • NIOSH 6016
  • NIOSH 7903
  • NIOSH 7904

EPA Other Test Methods

Our modern laboratories are generously equipped to handle a wide range of air test methods, including state specific, OSHA, or custom methods. While many labs focus on more commonly requested methods, we take a more holistic approach to air testing. If your test program requires an unusual or custom method, nobody is more qualified to assist you.

EPA Methods:

  • ALCOA 1470/1471
  • CARB 421, CARB 421
  • Radiello 130 Solvent Analysis

ASTM Test Methods

ASTM International has been developing and writing air test methods for more than 40 years. With exacting standards, rigorous QA/QC measures, and regular updates, these methods have been widely accepted tools for air compliance programs. While ASTM is not a regulatory body, its methods are recognized internationally and often used to demonstrate compliance. With a global footprint, using ASTM methods allows for method transfer and harmonization across facilities.

ASTM Methods:

  • D1945, D1946, D3792, D6348, D6735, D5504

NCASI Test Methods

The National Council of Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) has maintained itself as an independent non-profit research organization founded by the wood products industry in 1943. In the absence of adequate air and water test methods relevant to the analytes and source types found at wood products facilities, NCASI began developing and publishing air and water test methods in the 1990s.

Our people have been proactive in understanding, executing, and adding these methods to our NELAP scope of accreditations as they become available. We have developed a thorough understanding of the in-lab and in-field performance measures for each method in order to help validate a test program.

NCASI Methods primarily focus on the sampling and analysis of alcohols (methanol, phenol) and aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, propionaldehyde). The suitability of NCASI test methods goes beyond wood products facilities, and they are often used for engineering as well as compliance testing.

Emerging Technology

State-of-the-art technology that allows us to enhance our emissions testing services including providing clients with real-time, low level VOC, and inorganic monitoring in stationary and ambient sources through the use of mobile platforms. We have instruments that can detect the lowest traces of organic vapors for our clients.

  • Proton Transfer Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (PTR-TOS-MS)
  • Ultra-Violet Differential Optical Absorbance (UV-DOAS)
  • Open-Path FTIR Techniques
  • Video Imaging Spectro-Radiometry (VISR)
  • Quantum Cascade Laser-Based MEMs Photoacoustic Analyzers
  • Pulse Q-Switched Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometers

Work with experts who deliver reliable laboratory data and insights.

Request a quote or email us your analytical testing or permitting question and one of our team members will be in touch shortly!