Water Analysis Testing
As public concern continues to grow regarding our nationwide drinking water quality, Enthalpy can support the specific testing protocols required by select regions in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Enthalpy is committed to providing the highest quality drinking water compliance testing in support of public health safety.
Enthalpy has been analyzing thousands of drinking water samples in support of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). We can provide turnkey service for local municipalities by supporting their SWDA testing with field sampling services. To ensure that our clients always meet the changes in compliance requirements, Enthalpy continues to develop new technologies and methods to meet or exceed these regulations through our water analysis testing lab. We understand the critical issues that the distribution and drinking water treatment facilities face on a daily basis and we stand ready to provide prompt service and accurate results.
Testing Methods
- EPA 200.8 – Metals
- EPA 245.1 – Mercury
- EPA 524.2 – VOCs
- EPA 525.2 – SVOCs
- SM 9223 – Coliform (Presence/Absence)
- General Physical Analysis
- General Mineral Analysis
- Various General Chemistry/Inorganic Analysis
Work with experts who deliver reliable laboratory data and insights.
Request a quote or email us your analytical testing or permitting question and one of our team members will be in touch shortly!