Waste Water Treatment Monitoring
Fully accredited laboratory network supporting a wide range of organic, inorganic, and biological assays. Regulatory analytical support includes water quality guidance for such initiatives as NPDES discharge testing, county municipality requirements, industrial pretreatment monitoring, and storm water management plans.
Our scientists and technicians support thousands of facilities across the US with our waste water treatment monitoring and storm water testing lab. With a detailed understanding of NPDES and Industrial General Permit requirements, large sample throughput capacity, and the ability to perform rush analysis, Enthalpy is well-suited to support wastewater and storm water projects of any magnitude.
Testing Methods
*This list of testing analyses are examples, and not a full list of offerings.
- EPA 300.0 – Anions (Bromide, Chlorate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Sulfate)
- EPA 314.1 – Perchlorate
- EPA 335.4 – Cyanide
- EPA 351.2/3 – Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
- EPA 353.2 – Nitrate+Nitrite
- EPA 410.4 – Chemical Oxygen Demand
- EPA 415.1 – Surfactants/MBAS
- EPA 1664A – Oil & Grease
- EPA 200.7 – ICP Metals
- EPA 200.8 – ICP–MS Metals
- EPA 218.6 – Chromium 6 Low Level
- EPA 245.1 – Mercury
- EPA 600/4-90/027F – Hazardous Waste Bioassay
- EPA 608 – Pesticides/PCBs
- EPA 624 – VOCs
- EPA 625 – SVOCs
- EPA 8015B – TPH–Gasoline
- EPA 8015B – TPH–Diesel/Motor Oil
- SM 2130B – Turbidity
- SM 2540C – Total Dissolved Solids/TDS
- SM 2540D – Total Suspended Solids/TSS
- SM 2540F – Settleable Solids
- SM 4500 Cl – Total Residual Chlorine
- SM 4500 CO2-C – Dissolved Carbon Dioxide
- SM 4500 F-C – Fluoride
- SM 4500 H+B – pH
- SM 4500 NH3-C/G – Ammonia
- SM 4500 O-G – Dissolved Oxygen
- SM 4500 P-B-E – Total Phosphorus/Phosphate
- SM 4500 S-D – Total Sulfide
- SM 5210B – Biological Oxygen Demand/BOD
Work with experts who deliver reliable laboratory data and insights.
Request a quote or email us your analytical testing or permitting question and one of our team members will be in touch shortly!