

Method 325 Instructional Series: Tube Swap

Step 3 of Method 325 is swapping sample tubes. Here, we walk you through how to collect the tubes in a shelter housing and replace them with a new set.


Method 325 Instructional Series: Unboxing

In the first installment of the Method 325 instructional videos, we explore the contents of the M325 kit and what you need to know about each item.


Why Enthalpy Stands Out to Axine Water Technologies

Enthalpy Analytical client, Krista Ramirez of Axine Water Technologies, shares how Enthalpy is set apart from other labs in responsiveness, regulatory expertise, and reliable partnership throughout projects.


Introducing VaporDeck™, More Than a Helium Shroud

We are proud to introduce VaporDeck™, our latest innovation in soil vapor sampling. Developed for field technicians, this tool features an optimized design that can reduce vapor intrusion field mobilization time by up to 50%.


Exciting Upgrades at El Dorado Hills Laboratory!

We have recently remodeled our El Dorado Hills laboratory, and we are excited to share how these upgrades keep Enthalpy Analytical on the cutting edge of Ultra Trace Analysis and PFAS sample analysis.


JP & Mike Talk PFAS: How To Prepare for a PFAS Testing Project

In this video, JP Verheul and Mike Allen delve into the essentials of preparing for your first PFAS sampling event. They discuss the critical question of why you’re sampling—whether for regulatory compliance, internal project insights, or treatment deployment.


Beyond EPA Regulations: Unregulated VOCs Revealed in Air Testing!

In this enlightening video, we shed light on a crucial aspect of indoor air quality - unregulated VOCs. Did you know that many VOCs found in traditional building materials are not regulated by the EPA? Join us as we dive deep into this little-known truth and explore the risks associated with these unregulated chemicals like acetone, ammonia, and formaldehyde. Discover how our advanced testing system can discern these hidden VOCs, providing you with a comprehensive analysis of your indoor air quality.


We are your PFAS Experts

In "We Are Your PFAS Experts," we explore the hidden world of PFAS, which have silently permeated our environment and become a critical concern. Despite their prevalence, testing for PFAS can be a daunting challenge for many in the environmental community. At Enthalpy Analytical, our team brings decades of expertise to the table, offering accredited analysis of over 75 PFAS compounds, with more added each year.


Enthalpy Analytical – The Science of Certainty

Explore how we tackle the complexities of environmental science amid emerging contaminants and evolving regulations. The video highlights the challenges posed by uncertainty in testing and the erosion of confidence in results. At Enthalpy Analytical, our dedicated team of scientists and technicians provides top-tier environmental laboratory testing services, from fugitive emissions and PFAS analysis to site remediation and groundwater investigations.


JP and Mike Talk PFAS: What’s New in Emerging PFAS Sampling Technologies?

In this video, Mike Allen and JP Verheul from Enthalpy discuss the potential benefits of faster and more efficient PFAS testing methods. They share exciting insights on how the preparation process is evolving, reducing the time required to prep a full batch from half a day to just a few hours.


JP and Mike Talk PFAS: Why is PFAS Testing So Difficult?

In this video, JP and Mike discuss the intricate process behind PFAS testing, shedding light on what happens beyond the simplified depictions seen on TV. Unlike TV forensic shows, where results appear instantly, PFAS testing involves highly skilled analysts and precise execution.


Mike & JP Talk PFAS: A Brief History of PFAS Testing

In this video, Mike Allen and JP Verheul from Enthalpy discuss the evolving landscape of PFAS testing. They provide a brief history, starting with the EPA’s introduction of Method 537 in the early 2010s, which marked the beginning of standardized PFAS testing for drinking water.