Soil, Water & Hazardous Waste
Regulatory analytical support includes water quality guidance for such initiatives as NPDES discharge, county municipality requirements, industrial pretreatment monitoring, and storm water management plans.
Enthalpy provides a full range of analytical chemistry services directed toward the analysis of sediment, water, soil hazardous waste testing, and tissue matrices through our hazardous waste testing lab and water waste testing lab. In dealing with environmental samples special attention is paid by Enthalpy’s chemists to recognize that standard reporting limits may exceed risk-based limits for some compounds of concern. By using a project-specific approach, analysts can apply the most sensitive techniques to achieve the lowest reporting limits and best quantitation for each study.
Our focus is to support each client’s analytical service needs with responsive, accurate and defensible analytical data. Close interaction of our biologists and chemists with field project scientists and engineers, produces data that consistently meets or exceeds the data quality objectives of environmental investigation and compliance monitoring programs.
Testing Methods
Listed analyses are examples and not a full list of offerings.
- EPA7.2 – Corrosivity
- EPA 300.0 – Anions (Bromide, Chlorate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Sulfate)
- EPA 314.1 – Perchlorate
- EPA 335.4 – Cyanide
- EPA 351.2/3 – Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
- EPA 353.2 – Nitrate+Nitrite
- EPA 410.4 – Chemical Oxygen Demand
- EPA 415.1 – Surfactants/MBAS
- EPA 1010 – Flash Point
- EPA 1030 – Ignitability
- EPA 1311/1312/WET – STLC/TCLP/SPLP
- EPA 1664A – Oil & Grease
- EPA 600/4-90/027F – Hazardous Waste Bioassay
- EPA 6010B – ICP Metals
- EPA 6020 – ICP–MS Metals
- EPA 7196 – Chromium 6
- EPA 7199/EPA 218.6 – Chromium 6 Low Level
- EPA 7470/EPA 245.1 – Mercury
- EPA 7471 – Mercury
- EPA 8015C – TPH–Gasoline
- EPA 8015C – TPH–Diesel/Motor Oil
- EPA 8015C – TPH–Carbon Chain (C6-C44)
- EPA 8081 – Pesticides
- EPA 8082 – PCBs
- EPA 8141 – Organophosphate Pesticides
- EPA 8151 – Herbicides
- EPA 8260D – VOCs
- EPA 8270E – SVOCs
- EPA 8270 SIM – PAHs
- EPA9012 – Cyanide
- EPA9020– Total Organic Halides (TOX)
- EPA9023 – Extractable Organic Halides (EOX)
- EPA9215 – Sulfide
- EPA 9040/9045 – pH
- SM 2130B – Turbidity
- SM 2540C – Total Dissolved Solids/TDS
- SM 2540D – Total Suspended Solids/TSS
- SM 2540F – Settleable Solids
- SM 4500 Cl – Total Residual Chlorine
- SM 4500 CO2-C – Dissolved Carbon Dioxide
- SM 4500 F-C – Fluoride
- SM 4500 NH3-C/G – Ammonia
- SM 4500 O-G – Dissolved Oxygen
- SM 4500 P-B-E – Total Phosphorus/Phosphate
- SM 4500 S-D – Total Sulfide
- SM 4500 P-B-E – Total Phosphorus/Phosphate
- SM 5210B – Biological Oxygen Demand/BOD
Work with experts who deliver reliable laboratory data and insights.
Request a quote or email us your analytical testing or permitting question and one of our team members will be in touch shortly!