Compliance Monitoring2024-05-28T14:10:29-04:00

Effluent Toxicity Testing Services


We perform the full range of routine whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing services on effluents, storm water runoff, ambient and receiving waters to support National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance. We also provide marine and freshwater sediment toxicity testing for a variety of monitoring programs, including ambient, agricultural, and sediment quality objectives (SQO).

Each year, we conduct thousands of bioassay procedures on wet and dry weather discharges, point and non-point source discharges, and soils and sediments. We support a wide variety of clients and projects such as NPDES compliance testing services and other types of environmental compliance monitoring, best management practice (BMP) assessment, site-specific water quality criteria development and negotiation, and total maximum daily load (TMDL) support. We also have expertise in method review and providing regulatory comment on the appropriate use and application of toxicity methods and data. We currently conduct programs for a variety of clients in commercial, federal, and municipal sectors across international geography.

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  • Full range of acute and chronic water and sediment toxicity tests
  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) testing
  • Storm water runoff
  • Test of Significant Toxicity (TST) Analysis
  • Marine, estuarine, freshwater ambient and receiving water monitoring
  • Most-sensitive species testing
  • SQO sediment
  • ASBS monitoring
  • Groundwater monitoring
  • Cruise Ship and Ballast Water discharge testing
  • Terrestrial Toxicology

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